The Deer Ridge Golf Club business directory provides an opportunity to link the companies and endeavours of our members and offers unique networking possibilities between professionals.
From the initial listing, click on the company name to read a brief overview.
Gregg Chiropractic Life Centre
Full service Chiropractic Clinic offering the most advanced full body injury care, consisting off cutting edge Biomechanical Assessments, Super Pulsed Laser Therapy, and Titleist Performance Institute Golf specific assessment screening and therapy.
Dr. Gregg is a certified professional with the Titleist Performance Institute (MP2), has been a regular guest on the global television show Body and Health and has been awarded a listing in the National Register’s “Who’s Who” in executives and professionals as a healthcare provider, life coach and motivational speaker.
Key Note Speaker: 2015 Canadian Chiropractic National Convention Niagara, 2016 Parker Seminar Las Vegas; Advanced Biomechanics, Injury Assessment and Treatment, Clinical Neurology of Pain Inhibition, and Super Pulsed Laser Therapy.
Complimentary Initial Consultation and Examination (X-rays and treatment if necessary are not included)
487 Riverbend Drive Kitchener ON N2K 3S3 Canada